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LPG GAS Inspection Services


LPG Gas (Liquefied petroleum gas), commonly known as auto LPG Autogas is found on an LPG car which can be OEM single fuel or duel fuel LPG that works with petrol or LPG Autogas. An LPG gas is typically low-carbon fuel when compared to either diesel or petrol and is cheaper by half. LPG gas is good for the engine, which is known to be pretty beneficial towards your engine and is cost efficient.
There are many types of LPG Autogas conversion systems for vehicles listed below

Types of LPG Autogas conversion systems

Vapour phase injection (VPI)

A vapour phase injection uses a converter and a mixer system where the gas leaves the convertor that is under pressure which then goes into the intake manifold for any vehicle. This is known to be one of the most popular Autogas vehicle systems today.

Liquid phase injection (LPI)

A liquid phase injection in this case does not use a convertor, but instead the liquid heads directly towards the vehicle’s intake manifold, which helps increase the density of the intake air and produces a significant increase in power output and is great for the fuel economy.

Converter-and-mixer systems

A converter-and-mixer system is known to be the oldest style system that is still widely used today. It works alongside the Vapour phase injection system where the gas leaves the convertor that is under pressure which then goes into the intake manifold for any vehicle.

Liquid phase direct injection (LPDI)

Liquid phase direct injection systems are known to be highly advanced systems to use for a vehicle. This system will inject liquid from the LPG that goes directly into the combustion chamber for a vehicle. LPG fuel straight away vaporizes which helps cool the combustion chamber fuel-air mixture during the process of the compression stroke. This leads towards a significant improvement in car performance and emission.

Common Signs to have your LPG Gas checked

  • Irregular temperature
  • Vehicle struggles to start up
  • Problems with the injectors
  • Vaporiser issues